NextGen Software was created in 2010 to bring tomorrow's technology today.
We specialise, and take great pride, in providing the end user with a very rich user experience. The latest cutting edge technologies give the ability to create previously unprecedented user interfaces and experiences such as Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality.
Although this technology is not yet widely used, we hope to help contribute to changing that.
This new technology is evolving and changing all of the time and it is hard work sometimes to keep up with it all. That is where we come in, we are continuously looking at new and exciting technologies that can help improve the end user experience and improve business processes (for our enterprise solutions).
Unlike larger companies who cannot change and adapt very quickly, we can constantly change, adapt and evolve, as the environment changes around us.
As new technologies emerge and existing technologies evolve we update our products to make use of the latest improvements. Normally you would expect to have to pay for this privilege but not with us. So when you invest in our products, you are not only investing in the present, you are also investing in the future...
NextGen Software Ltd provides educational, fitness, well-being, health & fun software to help make peoples life’s better and this also caters for Special Needs, whilst at the same time teaching the importance of looking after our environment.
We specialise in educating the world about mindfulness, meditation, yoga etc in fun exciting ways for the whole family though apps & games.
We build apps and games to help make the world a better place...
Our Mission
Our mission at NextGen Software, along with our partners, is to help make the world a better place by using technology for good rather than evil, by bringing people together and to support, guide and educate everyone on how they can all live happier, fulfilling life’s united as ONE. We want to connect people both within their local communities and across the globe.
We will show how people can turn their life’s around and also on how they can support & help each other as well as themselves. We will give people the encouragement , support and power they need to make a real difference and how they can also help and improve our environment by going green and beyond.
We can help educate people how to be at peace with themselves and the world by teaching in fun ways techniques such as mindfulness, mediation, yoga, etc
We will eventually hope to be getting our training and fun games into all schools, colleges and Universities around the world, and this is only the beginning…
We want YOU and your family to be happy and to live fun fulfilling life’s, together as one, we can all be the change we wish to see in our world…
Projects are aimed at all and every type of person, age, background, etc. we have plans on how to each every soul, we will be offering FREE training for ALL regardless of who they are and their background.
Yes, it is true, we really are run by LOVE, and not by money, unfortunately at this time, money still helps make the world go round, but it is LOVE which really keeps everything going, we envision one day money will be a thing of the past and then LOVE really will be the only thing keeping the world and everyone in it alive, happy, connected and at peace with all that is.
Imagine playing a game more fun and immersive than Pokémon Go, Minecraft and World of Warcraft combined? A game that is not only a lot of fun to play but also teaches you how to look after your wellbeing as well as looking after our beautiful planet. A game that changes the way we think and interact with each other and the world so together we can create a better world for all of us. One where we can come together and help each other for the greater good of all.
Imagine a world where there are no more wars, poverty or suffering.
Imagine a world where there is only peace, love & unity where we all co-exist living as one human race in harmony with each other and our beautiful planet.
This does not just have to be a dream; together we can create this world…
Let us introduce you to Our World, the game that will change the world. As well as helping to make the world a better place, this game will be pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible with technology. It will feature augmented reality, virtual reality, motion detection, voice recognition and real-time emotional feedback. Plus a lot more! It will use technology in ways that has not been done before and in areas where it has been done; it will innovate and take it to the next level...
Our World is an exciting immersive next generation 3D Virtual Reality educational game/platform teaching people on how to look after themselves, each other and the planet using the latest cutting edge technology. It teaches people the importance of real-life face to face connections with human beings and encourages them to get out into nature using Augmented Reality similar to Pokémon Go but on a much more evolved scale. This is our flagship product and is our top priority due to the massive positive impact it will make upon the world...
Our World reminds people how powerful they are and empowers them to be the person they have always wanted to be, to live their life to their FULL potential without any limitations. Everyone has a gift for the world and with Our World we can help them find it… We want to empower people to take responsibility for our beautiful planet, which is currently in crisis and so needs EVERYONE to help make a difference. The entire world is the Our World team, we want everyone to get involved so they can feel they are part of something greater than themselves and at the same time ensure there is a future for our kids and grandkids.
People learn at a young age how to act and behave and this shapes the future generations and the world they will create. Due to the majority of games these days involving violence, sex, drugs & crime, this is conditioning the youth of today to the sort of world they will create tomorrow. With the advent of Virtual Reality now making these violent games even more immersive and realistic where the boundaries between games and reality is shrinking by the day, it is imperative we take some social and moral responsibility and start using technology to help create a better world by improving people’s life’s as well as respecting the environment and planet that sustains us.
We wish to bring people together, build online communities, encourage people to reach out and help strangers for the greater good of all. To encourage people to come and work together and to show how everyone benefits if they put their differences aside and start all rowing together. It will model the real world and also act as a simulation and training environment for how to make the real world a better place.
With over 4000 likes on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ourworldthegame), which is growing daily, this very important project is being very well received and we constantly receive glowing feedback of how much of a wonderful good idea this is, one that is needed more than ever in today’s world!
We actually started researching, planning & designing this over six years (we have also been busy networking, building partnerships, etc) ago but we could not yet afford the large amount of money it would take to create this. On top of this, the technology did not yet exist to create the vision, but this is now changing. When Pokémon Go was released featuring more primitive versions of some of the technology featured in Our World, we realised we really need to get this game into production. This was further amplified when our founder just finished reading the amazing novel Ready Player One, which featured the OASIS VR Platform, which is the closest thing we have found to date to Our World. Read more about this on our blog...
We need your investment so we can first produce a prototype to demo to interested parties. We can then get more investment to get the first version of this game released. This game will have continuous development with frequent upgrades and add-ons. It is so vast, that the development roadmap is never ending.
Please visit the website to find out more by either clicking the button above or going to http://www.ourworldthegame.com

Our Vision
As one wise man once said “I have a dream…”, well we have a dream too, a dream/vision where we can all co-exist in peace and harmony not only with ourselves but also with the planet. A vision where war, fear and separation is a thing of the past. A vision where love is the predominant force on the planet.
We want to reach this vision by using technology:
For good rather than evil.
To help connect people rather than disconnect them.
To promote helping strangers who are also part of our beloved human race.
To help improve the quality of life for every soul on the planet.
To help restore our beloved planet back to her former beauty (not that she is not beautiful as she is).
To teach vital life changing skills such as mediation, mindfulness, yoga, exercise, nutrition and being with nature.
To give hope and light to those who previously had none.
To spread the message of love far and wide, to show love is the answer to everything.
To bring world peace once and for all.
To bring TRUE equality and equal opportunities for all.
To promote and contribute to other important world changing projects & events.
To help make us all better human beings, and NOT robots!
To make the world a better place.
To enable us all to live in harmony with each other, animals, plant life & the planet where all life is sacred and valued.
To believe in everyone including those who do not believe in themselves and for those who the world has turned their back on. Everyone has their own special gift for the world, we want to help people find their gift and then work with them to hone it further.
To bring TRUE abundance for ALL.
To use technology to assist mankind, and NOT replace it..
Together we feel this can be achieved, we want to bring as many people together working towards the same goals, for together we really can make our dreams come true…
Imagine if all the energy and resources we waste trying to fight each or to get ahead of the competition was instead all pooled together for the common good of all? Just imagine what we could all achieve working together? We could easily turn this world around over night if we all started working together instead of against each other…
Core Values
Our business is founded on the following values and these are how we operate and what we encourage all of our employees to follow:
• Respect
• Compassion
• Integrity
• Honesty
• Responsibility
• Kindness
• Forgiveness
• Joy
• Happiness
• Peace
• Wisdom
• Team work
• Initiative
• Confidence
• Love
• Unity
• Harmony
NextGen Crosswords
Crossword software for The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun. This was written in WPF (the same technology used for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 & Windows 10 so also has the same dazzling visuals and smooth animation) and so is modern and up to date and better than any other crossword software out there. This is the brain child of David Ellams BSc(Hons) and David Akenhead, who is the Crossword consultant for The Times and ex Crossword Editor for The Times and the family name is famous within the crossword circles.
His father Edmund Akenhead invented the Jumbo Crossword Books and was also a top Crossword Editor for The Times. David Ellams is the founder of NextGen Software Ltd and is highly skilled and experienced within his field, he has been in the industry for over 16 years and has worked with all the big names.
Also check out the web store at http://www.akenheadcrosswords.com that sells this software backed up by the world's largest and unique archive for The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun crosswords. It even includes very rare special editions, limited editions and jumbo books, which cannot be acquired anywhere else. As well as dating back to first world war times, it is also kept up to date so also features the most recent crosswords too.
Press the Download button above to download a sample crossword. We are also interested in hearing from other publishers or the public who may wish to use our cutting edge crossword engine for their own tailored made crosswords.
If you wish to download and try extra FREE cryptic and concise crosswords then these can be downloaded from the http://www.akenheadcrosswords.com website...
Please note, you may need to allow popups for this site if the link's do not work for you.

We are experienced developers in many languages and technologies, and we specialize in the latest cutting edge technologies such as Silverlight, WPF, XNA, HTML5, Direct X, HLSL, Windows Phone 7.5 Mango/Tango, Windows 8 Metro & Windows 10. We primarily use C# (Part of the .NET Framework), we may also use C++, Java and other languages where and when required.
Our technical lead and Director David Ellams, who also founded the company, is a very experienced Senior Developer/Architect, and has been in the industry for over 10 years now, has a 1st class honors degree in Computing And Informatics and a wealth of experience and skills in most things IT related, especially in software development. Check out his Curriculum Vitae here.
We develop for all platforms including PC, XBOX, Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10, PS4, Wii, iPad, iPhone and Android.
Please contact us for a quote on any work you may require doing and we will aim to get back to you within five business days.
Next generation Websites
Need a website developing? No problem, we can cater for any of your needs, ranging from small simple start-up websites & e-commerce online web stores to full-blown large complex enterprise systems. We can develop a CMS (Content Management System) website for you, allowing you to manage and edit the content yourself so you are not reliant on anyone else, thus saving you money and giving you more control over your content, leaving you more time to focus on the rest of your business. Of course, your new website will be cutting-edge making your new site look more professional and up to date. This will make you stand out from the crowd, showing everyone you are a serious operation, thus attracting more custom and therefore more revenue. For examples of what we can do, then look no further than this site, the original Silverlight version or http://www.ourworldthegame.com – yes of course we made them, who else would?! You can also check out screenshots of these in the projects section.
Next Generation Apps for smartphones (Windows phone, Android & iPhone)
We develop for all mobile platforms (Windows Mobile 10, Android and iPhone). This also includes any tablet apps for iPad, Nexus & Windows 10 tablet.
Next Generation XBOX Games (including Kinect)
We are currently working on some very exciting next generation games that will push the XBOX to its limits! If you have a proposal for a game or perhaps need to use some of our resources to help work on an existing project then please get in touch.
Next Generation PC Games (including Kinect)
We are currently working on some very exciting next generation games that will re-define the gaming genres as well create new ones. If you have a proposal for a game or perhaps need to use some of our resources to help work on an existing project then please do get in touch.
Next Generation PC Desktop Business/Enterprise Applications.
If you want a software system that will give you the edge over your competitors then look no further. We will develop a bleeding edge software system that will be light years ahead of the competition and show everyone you really do mean business. For an example of what we can do then please check out our cutting edge crosswords we developed with Akom Limited for The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun. It is the best crossword software out there by a long way and even News International’s own internal crossword software does not hold a candle to it. You can view screenshots and info in the Projects section.
Bespoke Development
Got any other software development need? Maybe some bespoke development you need doing? Or perhaps porting an existing application to another platform or framework? Or maybe you wish to make your business more efficient and streamline your business processes through the use of IT? We have a wealth of experience in all of these areas so whatever your needs, we are confident we can help you, so what are you waiting for? Please get in now! In the very unlikely event we cannot help you, we may be able to offer you some FREE advice on the best way to proceed…
Consulting Services
We have 30 years in the industry, we are now offering this expertise to the public. We can help you with both software or hardware enquiries. Please email us on enquiries@nextgensoftware.co.uk for more info.
Lost For Words
This is a scrabble like game that was written entirely in Silverlight from the ground up. It allows users to try and make as many words as they can within the time limit. More points are rewarded for larger words. Their best attempt is then submitted to the highscore table online at akenheadcrosswordsolutions.com. The winner of each day then received a prize and is show cased in the game. Each day a new random selection of letters are generated for users to create words from.
Press the Play button below to have a go on the amazing FREE Akom Crossword Game. Please note, you may need to allow popups for this site if nothing happens when you press the button.

NextGen Office / PR / Marketing Manager / Director roll(s)
1. FREE Training
Receive the best training there is, please see our training programmes for more information on this.
2. Rewards/Incentives
Ranging from vouchers & tickets to luxury holidays & large cash rewards. Win rewards for certain achievements such as doing some outstanding work or maybe coming up with an awesome idea. These can range from tickets, vouchers, health and fitness gifts to a tranquil holiday and a large cash reward.
3. Very relaxed and friendly down to earth working atmosphere.
We see all of our employees more as family and friends and encourage equality, initiative, team work and of course imagination & creativity.
4. FREE Yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions.
These are actually built into your working day so you do not need to try and find any of your own time to fit it all in. It is important to break the day up with regular exercise, meditation, yoga, etc. This helps maintain a healthy lifework balance as well as of course making you more productive. Happy & healthy bodies and minds make better developers. But we do it because we actually really care about ALL of you, the rest is just a bonus!
5. FREE Daily fruit
We really do want to keep you healthy!
6. FREE Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
We will also provide a FREE healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner to all employees. The food will be fresh organic food from local food markets instead of supermarkets so helps the local community further, and also makes our employees as healthy as possible.
7. Be your own boss
We actively encourage you to be a self starter, self reliant, self motivated and we want to help grow you as a person as well as a top rate developer. We want to give
you the freedom to let your creativity and imagination run wild! We want to help improve your confidence and self esteem too.
8. Every voice is heard, and everyone is treated equally
Since we are all equal and are one, working towards a common goal of helping as many people as possible whilst making it fun at the same time! We see you all as
equals, regardless of backgrounds, casts, class, religions, origins, etc we see you all as the same, as equals.
9. True Flexi Time
You can really work your own hours, fit your work hours around your life, not the other way round.
10. Flexi Projects
Work on what you want to work on, so you are not forced to do anything you don’t want to do, you can choose to change and work on other projects that are off interest to you. As the saying goes, it’s always good to have a fresh set of eyes on a problem…

NextGen Developers
Want to be Happy?
Want to make excellent money?
Want to live in Peace?
Want to increase your confidence and self esteem?
Want to make a REAL and noticeable difference?
Want the chance you were never given?
Want to train and work with the best of the best?
Want to reach your full potential and live a very happy and fulfilling life?
Want to help make the world a better place?
Want to earn while you learn?
Want to get real world commercial experience
Want to make fun games, apps and websites that help people?
Want to work with next generation technology?
Want ALL of this for FREE?
If you answered yes to any of these, then look no further than this opportunity of a lifetime!
It gives us great pleasure to announce our new NextGen Developers Training Program. We felt it was time to give something back to the community by introducing our new FREE training program.
Do you enjoy playing video games on your XBOX, PS3, Android, iPhone, iPad, etc? Would you LOVE to learn how they are actually made and work? If so, then look no further, we can show you how all the games and apps you love to play are made.
But it gets better than that, we can also show you how to make your own games and apps.
We want to help grow your imagination and creativity, the sky really is the limit! In face, there is no sky since we are going into space and beyond so there are no limits, only infinite possibilities! If you can think or even dream of it, we can help you make it in to reality.
We can even offer you real world commercial experience working on real world bleeding edge projects. Most of our projects are light years ahead of everyone else, you can be a part of our crack elite team developing them…
How would you like to make lots of money making games and apps for XBOX, PS3, Wii, Smartphone (to name a few) helping to make the world a better place? This is an opportunity of a lifetime to not only better your self as an individual, but also make a real difference in the world. You will receive FREE best of the best training (better than everything else out there), you will earn while you learn, get real world commercial experience working on world bleeding edge projects…
Ever heard of games such as Crysis 3? Well some of our projects use this engine, and in fact we have plans to even buy this off Crytek and make it even better! remember what Valve did with the Quake engine in the amazing Half Life games? Well we plan to go even further than that with the already amazing Crytek engine… you could be one of the lucky people working on this world changing genre setting project.
You will also get to work on bleeding edge technology which is not mainstream yet such as our NextGen Real-Time Emotional Feedback System (NGREFS) plus so much more…
Part of the training program will also include health living training such as exercise, nutrition, meditation, mindfulness, being with nature and yoga. These will be integrated into the training course so will break a lot of the work up. It will encourage regular breaks including getting outside to play in the sunshine with your friends!
We also will be using state of the are training techniques using the latest R&D hardware where we can tailor the course to suit YOU.
What makes it even better is that most of our projects are geared around helping people and to make the world a better place so you could be helping potentially billions of people as well as yourself”
For some modules you can earn even more money. By using a real world project you get to put all you have learnt to the test. As well as being excellent real world experience, you get to make some money out of it too. Your time is used reliably and only used to make real projects come alive., projects that can help people make a difference to the world . Rather than being wasted on boring dull exercises and demo projects that never get to see the light of day, this way you feel more productive and feel you really are contributing something and really are making a difference, even whilst training!
We TRUST YOU and put all of out TRUST in YOU because we BELIEVE in YOU.
Do you believe in YOU yet? If not you will once you start our training, you will find your true self and release your full potential and see what magical gifts appear, we are so much more than just a training or developer company, we are here to help you, we want you to be happy and we want you to reach your full potential. We want you and your family to live happy and fulfilling life’s, together we can make it happen.. believe in yourself…
And to top it all off, you will be guaranteed a job at the end of it. How does that sound? Yes, you would have to be utterly MAD to turn that down! In fact, most would say we are mad for providing ALL of this for FREE! So be quick, before we come to our senses and change our minds
Sometimes dreams really do come true…
Click here to download our training pack which contains more information
Click here to download our junior training pack for kids still in school and college.
NEW - The Justice League Training Academy is a superhero themed upgrade to the above training course fully integrated with the OASIS API so you can earn karma for learning and even more karma for providing training material. This is a superhero training platform, are you ready to be the hero of your own life story? You also unlock power ups and badges as you progress, come join the FUN NOW! :)
Below are the clients we have either worked for or with:

Below are the charities that we support: