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Fellow Gunters, Please Help Anorak Reach Ernie Cline So We Can All Build The Ready Player One OASIS

This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 24th February 2018:

My Fellow Gunters,

I hope you are all excited and ready for the imminent release of the much anticipated Ready Player One movie? :)

It is something I know we have all been waiting for, for some time but I am sure it will all be worth it in the end... just like the long wait to actually play the OASIS will be.... ;-)

Earnie is very happy with the movie so its looking like none of the magic of the novel will be lost:

I am Anorak and we are building the OASIS and we need your help...

Please help me each Ernie Cline so we can all build our new OASIS together... :)

Check out a previous post for more details on why I am Anorak and why Our World is the more evolved benevolent sister of the OASIS here:

We recently contacted Ernest Cline through his agent but we have yet to receive back a response, which we are not surprised about due to the huge amount of mail they most receive. It is quite frustrating because we were going to contact him last year when he still had his direct email available on his blog, we wish we contacted him then or at least made a copy of his email address!

So this is a call to all Gunters to help us get this message through to Earnie, this is your quest from Anorak. Please help if you want to help speed up the manifestation of the new OASIS...

Check out the email we sent in this previous post:

So please help make all of our dreams a reality so we can all immerse ourselves in the OASIS and as a bonus this version will help to make the world a better place, rather than us abandoning and neglecting it as was the case in Ready Player One.

Please help support the underdog who is not about profits, power, control or exploitation as the giant greedy corporations are, support us and not the Sixers/Suxors! Thank you! :)

We are only about helping to make the world a better place, to help empower and uplift all of humanity and to unleash their FULL potential so they can all live a happy fulfilling life without any limitations...

Please make our dream a reality...

Thank you fellow Gunters!

Your friend,



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