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FREE Training & Jobs For EVERYONE!

This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 20th December 2017:

Greetings Friends,

We are please to announce that we are offering free training and jobs for everyone! You do not need any previous skills or experience but of course it certainly helps! It is open to everyone from all walks of life, this includes people with Autism, special needs, the homeless, unemployed, kids on the streets and anyone else who are disadvantaged.

The training course teaches everything we know for free (means tested, £111 if you are working and is affordable) but is also integrated with yoga, meditation, mindfulness and healthy living. We will show that people are more effective at learning and working when they break it up with yoga, mediation and mindfulness.

We eventually would love to have the Yoga4Autism yoga studio downstairs and the NextGen Training And Development Offices above it. So if an employee or trainee feels stressed or needs a break they can go downstairs and do some yoga, mediation, etc and then go back to work or the training after. We will prove through Science and data analysis this makes them productive and more effective at learning since as you may know the human brain can only absorb a certain amount of information at a time and combined with yoga and mediation they will be able to better absorb, process and integrate this information...

We will show by looking after our staff and trainees that productivity and profits will go up because they are more happy and healthy and of course will have less sick days too so it is a win win situation. We can then export this to other businesses and training centers selling our holistic model everywhere...

During the training they can earn while they learn so make some money while they work on REAL apps and games so its not just a throw away sample app that most training involves.

This will then give the army of developers needed for Our World and all the other satalite apps and games that integrate into it...

This is actually another spiritual lesson in a way showing how nothing is separate and everything is all connected and part of the whole. It also shows that the whole (Our World) is greater than the sum of the parts (smaller apps and games).

It does not require any previous skills or experience so is open to EVERYONE especially the disadvantaged such as special needs (autism), unemployed, homeless, kids on the streets, etc. This is part of the reason why we are eligible to so much funding once we finally start to push this properly... It was originally actually created for people with autism since the plan was once they are freed with the yoga, mediation and mindfulness through Yoga4Autism they are then given free training and jobs. Many parents worry their they children will never find work or live independent lifes, we are the answer everyone is looking for...

We also offer a junior programme for kids still at school so it can be an extra curriculum activity after school for example and even offer placement students, etc. We hope to eventually make this part of the curriculum since now Programming is part of it, we hope we can sneak the yoga, mediation and mindfulness in through the back door... ;-)

Many thanks,

The Our World Team.


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