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Haptic Jacket We Will Be Using In Our World / The OASIS Engine

This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 4th April 2018:

Greetings Friends,

Check out more cool latest cutting edge tech we will be using in Our World

We have been very busy making BIG updates to the websites, networking, forming new partnerships, working on the new nextgen architecture for the OASIS Engine, which will be powering Our World.

Check out the new NEXTGEN ARCHITECTURE sections of the website as well as the introduction, OPEN WORLD/UNIVERSE section.

We will be sharing more on this soon...

The software industry has the power to transform lives through engaging people with innovative products that help them to grow and develop. Recent popular examples include health apps, mindfulness apps and mind training games.

We wish to take this to the next level and help make the world a better place by using technology for good, by bringing people together and to support, guide and educate everyone on how we can all live happier, fulfilling lives and at the same time how we can help save our planet.

We will do this by creating a suite of next gen apps & games using the latest cutting edge technology such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Real-time emotional feedback, face/voice recognition, motion detection and so much more.

Our World is an exciting immersive next generation 3D Virtual Reality educational game/platform/social network/ecosystem teaching people on how to look after themselves, each other and the planet using the latest cutting edge technology. It teaches people the importance of real-life face to face connections with human beings and encourages them to get out into nature using Augmented Reality similar to Pokémon Go but on a much more evolved scale. This is our flagship product and is our top priority due to the massive positive impact it will make upon the world...

​Our World is more than just a game or platform, it is an entirely new ecosystem/internet, it is the future way we will be interacting with each other and the world through the use of technology. Smaller apps/game will plug into it and share your central profile/avatar where you gain karma for doing good deeds such as helping your local communities, etc and lose karma for being selfish and not helping others since it mirrors the real world where you have free will. There is nothing else out there like this, nothing even comes close, this will change everything... There is a reason we are called NextGen Software! ;-)

​Our World has now merged with our NextGen Social Network project, which was always planned to be the prequel to Our World, so it made sense to simply merge them together.

​Our World implements the Synergy Engine helping to solve the worlds problems by matching solutions to problems. It also teaches the the co-creation wheel and a new holistic approach to living and technology to help co-create a better world.

​Our World is built on top of the de-centralised, distributed nextgen internet known as Holochain. Our World will be the first AAA MMO game and 2D/3D Social Network to run on HoloChain and the Blockchain. It will also be the first to integrate a social network with a MMO game/platform as well as all of these technologies and devices together. As with the rest of the game, it will be leading the way in what can be done with this NextGen Technology for the benefit and upliftment of humanity.

The game will be similar to a MMORPG and Sandbox game where you can run around an open world completing quests in whatever order you choose but it will also contain an engrossing storyline about the final epic battle for Earth between the forces of darkness and the light. You will fight demons, zombies, monsters, killer robots controlled by a dark evil AI and more. The main difference to other games is that you will not fight fellow humans, instead you will unite together against the new common enemy that is threatening the very existence of mankind and the planet. You will be free to build your own homes, communities, base defences, vehicles & ships (or purchase or win) either using traditional means, nextgen technology or even magic. The same goes for combat, you can choose to use pure strength, skill and melee, technology or magic. You can be whoever you want to be. You can even choose not to fight and instead focus on supporting the economy, healing, R&D, construction, leadership, etc. The choice is yours...

The game will also be teaching people especially kids important vital life lessons and show how they can then implement them in the real world. Part of the way this will be done is by merging the real world with Our World using the latest cutting edge technology such as Augmented Reality.

Our World reminds people how powerful they are and empowers them to be the person they have always wanted to be, to live their life to their FULL potential without any limitations. Everyone has a gift for the world and with Our World we can help them find it. We want to empower people to take responsibility for our beautiful planet, which is currently in crisis and so needs EVERYONE to help make a difference. The entire world is the Our World team, we want everyone to get involved so they can feel they are part of something greater than themselves and at the same time ensure there is a future for our kids and grandkids

People learn at a young age how to act and behave and this shapes the future generations and the world they will create. Due to the majority of games these days involving violence, sex, gambling, drugs & crime, this is conditioning the youth of today to the sort of world they will create tomorrow.

With the advent of Virtual Reality now making these violent games even more immersive and realistic where the boundaries between games and reality is shrinking by the day, it is imperative we take some social and moral responsibility and start using technology to help create a better world by improving people's life's as well as respecting the environment and planet that sustains us.

Gambling is being forced onto kids more and more in the form of loot boxes where real money is asked for to receive a random prize and now its got so bad that money is actually needed to progress within the game. Everything seems to be geared around how much people can be exploited and how much money can be sucked out of them, this is even more wrong for kids. Read more on our previous post about this below:

We wish to bring people together, build online communities, encourage people to reach out and help strangers for the greater good of all. To encourage people to come and work together and to show how everyone benefits if they put their differences aside and start all rowing together. It will model the real world and also act as a simulation and training environment for how to make the real world a better place.

We wish to reach the kids who are glued to their phones and consoles and never go outside, this game will encourage them to get out into parks and interact with people in fun creative ways face to face instead of through their phones.

We are building the evolved benevolent version of the OASIS featured in the popular Ready Player One novel and Spielberg film. The OASIS is only about 40% of what Our World is to give you an idea of the sheer size and magnitude of this project! It is aimed at saving the world rather than leading to its destruction due to the neglect it faced when everyone escaped into the OASIS. Ready Player One has proven so popular that Spielberg & Warner Brothers have now released the blockbuster film, which we hope will help promote Our World furt

Read more in our previous post here:

It only seems to be a week or two before another terrorist attack or mass shooting or disaster after disaster. How much more suffering does there have to be before the people unite together to say enough is enough?

So please get in touch and get involved. Contact us on

We are looking for people in ALL departments...

We want to hear your ideas and what you think should be in the game... As we said the whole world is the Our World team.

Please get involved on our forum here:

Other ways you can help is to donate something to our Crowd Funding page below.

We currently have a funding page here:

We would really appreciate if you could donate anything you can afford, even if its just a pound, if everyone did that then we would be able to massively accelerate this very urgent and important project for a world in need right now. I think everyone can justify a pound if it meant saving the world don't you think?

It's even better to spend a pound on this project rather than buying a lottery ticket since you have more chance of being hit by a car than winning the jackpot, then even by some fluke you did win, there is no point having millions if there is no world left to enjoy it on.

Think about it...

Also, please make sure you like our FaceBook page:

We need to build our online community to as big as possible before we launch new crowd funding campaigns on Kick Starter and start approaching investors...

So please join us and help spread awareness of Our World so together we can create a better world...

We are also really in need of funding or investors so if you know of any please send them our way! :) It would be really appreciated.

So what will be your legacy?

Do you want to be in on the ground floor of the upcoming platform that will take the world by storm?

The platform that is going to win many rewards for the groundbreaking work it will do. Do you want to be a hero of your own life story?

Want to tell your kids and grandkids that you helped make it happen and go down in history as a hero?

What kind of world do you want to leave to the next generation?

Want to be part of something greater than yourself?

How can you do your part to create a better world?

This is HOW you do your part...

Be the change you wish to see in the world...


With love, light & hope,

The Our World Team.


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