Our World Is Attending Holochain Devcamp #6
This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 30th January 2020:

Greeting Friends,
We have pleasure to announce that Our World is currently attending the Holochain Devcamp #6! :)
This is our 2nd Devcamp after also attending Devcamp #5.
This camp we have 60 hc happy campers! :) That's a big jump from around the 10 we had on DevCamp #5, this goes to show how much Holochain is taking off now and is a very promising sign! :)
This may be in part to the HoloPorts finally shipping, which has made a lot of people happy and helps hc stand out even more from the other blockchains (not that holochain is a blockchain, and was already a quantum leap ahead of them), by backing up the software with dedicated hardware.
We will talk more about this in our next post so watch this space... :)
Back to the DevCamp.... it was great to see both David Atkinson (Commercial Director) (Director and Arthur Brock (co-founder and chief architect) there. David gave an intro and after a community member Hedayat gave a lovely presentation, Art took questions, it was the first time we had been on a call with him.... :)
We also met Hedayat at the previous DevCamp (#5) so it was nice to see him now presenting and co-leading this one. He was one of the participants at the previous one along with us. He also has a .NET background and showed a keen interest in our project so we hope he will come on board later when he has more free time. He has a speciality in security and cryptography, where is also teaches around this subject.
We are also pleased to report that the format seems better this time round since there are now a few days gaps between each session giving people time to absorb and integrate the material before the next session. It also allows people to watch the videos and catch up if they missed the previous session.
Good to see everything evolving and progressing and it feels even more amazing to be part of this journey, which we have shared with them from the early Go prototype days... Keep up the good work guys, we are with you every step of the way! :)
