NextGen Office / PR / Marketing Manager / Director roll(s)
1. FREE Training
Receive the best training there is, please see our training programmes for more information on this.
2. Rewards/Incentives
Ranging from vouchers & tickets to luxury holidays & large cash rewards. Win rewards for certain achievements such as doing some outstanding work or maybe coming up with an awesome idea. These can range from tickets, vouchers, health and fitness gifts to a tranquil holiday and a large cash reward.
3. Very relaxed and friendly down to earth working atmosphere.
We see all of our employees more as family and friends and encourage equality, initiative, team work and of course imagination & creativity.
4. FREE Yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions.
These are actually built into your working day so you do not need to try and find any of your own time to fit it all in. It is important to break the day up with regular exercise, meditation, yoga, etc. This helps maintain a healthy lifework balance as well as of course making you more productive. Happy & healthy bodies and minds make better developers. But we do it because we actually really care about ALL of you, the rest is just a bonus!
5. FREE Daily fruit
We really do want to keep you healthy!
6. FREE Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
We will also provide a FREE healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner to all employees. The food will be fresh organic food from local food markets instead of supermarkets so helps the local community further, and also makes our employees as healthy as possible.
7. Be your own boss
We actively encourage you to be a self starter, self reliant, self motivated and we want to help grow you as a person as well as a top rate developer. We want to give
you the freedom to let your creativity and imagination run wild! We want to help improve your confidence and self esteem too.
8. Every voice is heard, and everyone is treated equally
Since we are all equal and are one, working towards a common goal of helping as many people as possible whilst making it fun at the same time! We see you all as
equals, regardless of backgrounds, casts, class, religions, origins, etc we see you all as the same, as equals.
9. True Flexi Time
You can really work your own hours, fit your work hours around your life, not the other way round.
10. Flexi Projects
Work on what you want to work on, so you are not forced to do anything you don’t want to do, you can choose to change and work on other projects that are off interest to you. As the saying goes, it’s always good to have a fresh set of eyes on a problem…
11. Create your own projects
You may even have awesome ideas for a new project, if you have something we think is worth making and fits in with our values of helping people and our vision then you can help make your own project. You will be credited in the project and will win a reward. You will also get the opportunity to work on it.
12. Friday Afternoon Projects
Every Friday afternoon you get the opportunity to work on your own project and ideas which can lead to a prototype to demo. If we feel this has potential then you will be rewarded, credited and be given the opportunity to help make it a reality.
13. Help you grow
We want to help you grow as a person as well as a developer.
14. Treat you as a human being, not a resource
We see you all as perfect human beings just the way you are, and so we treat you as such, we see you all and us as equals, period.
15. Identify your Strengths and Gifts and help to develop them further
Everyone has their own special strengths and gifts, and we can help you discover and find yours, we want to help you become the best you possibly can be.
16. Flat Management Structure
We operate a flat management structure where we are all treated equally and we operate on the same level and deeply respect each other regardless of anything in the past or in the present. We say management but we see us more as mentors who support, guide and encourage each of you to be the best possible human being you can be. We see you ALL as co—creators of our new world, we do not want to enforce the traditional boss/manager hierarchy you see everywhere. We want to work as a team and as friends to do what is best for each and every individual as well as the collective as a whole.
17. No unrealistic Deadlines
You will not have to work to stressful and unrealistic deadlines, we believe that we should all live in the present moment where our focus and the quality of the work we do is at its maximum and is the optimal to be productive and the best developer and person you can be.
18. No stressful Performance Reviews
We know how stressful performance reviews can be and is not something we do, we simply help the person in any way we can to become the best developer and person
they can be. We are more fluid and organic so help you every step of the way and do not wait for 6 months before issues are even raised, let alone attempt to be addressed!
19. Minimal amount of time wasting meetings
We feel there should be a minimal amount of meetings, what’s the point talking about doing something, when you can just do it? Sometimes the time wasted talking about it. you could have just gone and done it. Of course you need meetings sometimes but not just for the sake of having meetings.
20. Co-creating together
We encourage teamwork and working together helping each other when needed and treating each other fairly, respectfully and equally working towards a common goal of helping as many people as possible around the globe and keeping it fun for everyone at the same time.
21. Work with next generation technology
As well as working with the current bleeding edge technology, you will also get the opportunity to work on next generation technology, which no—one else has seen yet, let alone used. We also think up new and original ways of using the latest technology already out there.
22. Help make the world a better place
As you may have noticed by now, we are all about making a real difference in the world by helping as many people as possible, you could also be part of the team helping people live better more fullfilling life’s.
23. Help your community
By working for us, you will help us with new exciting products and initiatives to help more in your local community such as getting the kids off the streets making communities safer and giving future job prospects to those who would normally not have any. It will help give kids something positive to focus on, which will not only better themselves, it will also help the rest of the community, country and world. Help increase the standard of living within your community.
24. Help your country & economy
Likewise, you will also help your country and economy recover as we will reduce unemployment and the skilled labor deficit in this country. Eventually we will expand into other countries and then we will also help them in the same way.
25. Conscious Programming Methodology (Balanced healthy lifestyle)
As always in life, you need to maintain a healthy balance between work and play, we like to combine these together. As part of our daily working and training best practices we use a combination of yoga, meditation and mindfulness practice. We take regular breaks away from the computer desk as well as keep people aware of their body, post|.|re and breathing, even whilst working, this is just part of the new Conscious Programming methodology that NextGen Software will be introducing to the rest of the world very soon…
Expect a lot of ground breaking, trend setting projects to be rolling Out from NextGen Software in the future…
26. We have experience of working for or with all the big names
We have a good ten solid years of experience in the industry working for or with all the big names including Nokia, IRIS (the UK’s number accountancy software house), Microsoft, Natwest, RBS, TD Waterhouse, Hargreaves Lansdown, JP Morgan, Aon, Camelot, DVLA, NHS, HMLR, DMGT, News International, BBC, European Parliament, BP, EA, Regus, NBS, Volvo Kantar World Panel, TwoF0ur Studios amongst many other big names listed on our website.
Part of the training you will receive will include valuable lessons learnt from working with all these big names adding more skills and experience to your toolbox.
27. Release Your Imagination & Creativity!
Here at NextGen Software, we actively encourage you to be as creative and imaginative as possible. We already have a ton of awesome ideas, but are always happy to hear on ways to improve them further or perhaps even brand new ideas we haven’t thought of yet! If you do come up with a novel successful idea, you will be fully credited for that idea, such as a game or app for example. You will also win a reward such as a relaxing tranquil holiday or perhaps a large cash reward.
28. We want YOU to Succeed
We want you to succeed and we are here every step of the way to ensure you are…
29. Work From Home
You have the extra flexibility to work from home if you choose to.